Давно хочу сделать цветы из ткани, но все руки не доходят, вот нашла мастер класс займусь....
Method I
1. Begin by cutting a long strip of the fabric, approx. 1/2 inch wide. Cut a piece of cardstock out (just slightly larger than you'd like your finished flower to be). Tie a knot in the end of your fabric strip. Don't worry about fraying edges, it adds a lovely homespun look to the bloom. Hot glue your knot to the middle of your carstock circle.
2. Start winding the strip around in a circle, twisting the fabric as you go. If you are using the type of hot glue that doesn't dry to quickly you can lay a larger circle of glue down and attach as you go.

3. Keep winding it on until you've got the size of rose you are looking for. You may need to add an extra strip or 2 if you want a larger rose. At the end simply trim away excess cardstock around the edges. You can leave it the way it is or finish it as I did with a decorative button (above).
Method II
1. Begin by cutting a 1 and a half inch strip (the fabric I used was about 18" long) of fabric. Fold the fabric in half (good side out). It helps to iron the fabric so it holds as you twist. TIP: If you are like me and don't want to pull your iron and ironing board out for a small project, try using your hair flattening iron (if you have one) to put a nice sharp fold in it. (see photo below)......tie a knot in one end.

2. Now just begin bringing the fabric aroung the knot twisting the fabric up as you go.

3. It takes a little practice and you can add small dabs of glue as you go to secure the bloom.

4. I used to strips to create this flower. At the end just tuck the last bit underneath. I like to lay down a circle of hot glue on a piece of cardstock at the end and plunk my bloom down on it. I feel like this better secures the whole thing and makes it easy to attach it to a page. Just trim around the edge when it dries.

Have fun with these techniques and try out different types of fabrics and colours, the blooms you can up with are endless! Try spritzing with some shimmer spray like Tattered Angels Glimmer mist....or adding some Stickles glitter glue for a pretty finish!
Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the reveal of all the new kits for April from My Creative Scrapbook....you'll be able to see the above finished page!
Method I
1. Begin by cutting a long strip of the fabric, approx. 1/2 inch wide. Cut a piece of cardstock out (just slightly larger than you'd like your finished flower to be). Tie a knot in the end of your fabric strip. Don't worry about fraying edges, it adds a lovely homespun look to the bloom. Hot glue your knot to the middle of your carstock circle.

2. Start winding the strip around in a circle, twisting the fabric as you go. If you are using the type of hot glue that doesn't dry to quickly you can lay a larger circle of glue down and attach as you go.

3. Keep winding it on until you've got the size of rose you are looking for. You may need to add an extra strip or 2 if you want a larger rose. At the end simply trim away excess cardstock around the edges. You can leave it the way it is or finish it as I did with a decorative button (above).

Method II
1. Begin by cutting a 1 and a half inch strip (the fabric I used was about 18" long) of fabric. Fold the fabric in half (good side out). It helps to iron the fabric so it holds as you twist. TIP: If you are like me and don't want to pull your iron and ironing board out for a small project, try using your hair flattening iron (if you have one) to put a nice sharp fold in it. (see photo below)......tie a knot in one end.

2. Now just begin bringing the fabric aroung the knot twisting the fabric up as you go.

3. It takes a little practice and you can add small dabs of glue as you go to secure the bloom.

4. I used to strips to create this flower. At the end just tuck the last bit underneath. I like to lay down a circle of hot glue on a piece of cardstock at the end and plunk my bloom down on it. I feel like this better secures the whole thing and makes it easy to attach it to a page. Just trim around the edge when it dries.

Have fun with these techniques and try out different types of fabrics and colours, the blooms you can up with are endless! Try spritzing with some shimmer spray like Tattered Angels Glimmer mist....or adding some Stickles glitter glue for a pretty finish!
Don't forget to come back tomorrow for the reveal of all the new kits for April from My Creative Scrapbook....you'll be able to see the above finished page!
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